Egg Tart Cake (Banh Tart Trung)

Today, I will introduce one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes which is combined with Hong Kong cuisine. It is called Egg Tart (Bánh Tart Trứng).
A little sweet, crunchy and tasting delicious buttery is the requirement of these tarts. It is really suitable for this weekend. 
Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng


Making cover:
- Wheat flour: 250g
- Salt: 5g
- Sugar: 20g
- Melted butter: 50g
- Water: 100ml
- Cold butter: 140g

Making filling:
- Whipping cream: 150ml
- Fresh milk: 200ml
- Sugar: 50g
- Chicken eggs: 2
- 2 yolks
- Vanilla starch: ¼ teaspoon 


- Making cover: Mix wheat flour, salt, sugar, melted butter into clean bowl, pour slowly water and use wood spoon to knead well.
 Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
-  Next, pour mixture flour in step 1 on table, knead well in 10 – 15 minutes until it is soft, smooth and do not stick your hands anymore. Roll flour into circle shape, wait for few minutes and press thinly, put in fridge about 15 – 20 minutes. Here is also the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.
- Take flour in step 2 out of fridge, add butter on the center; fold its edges and roll dough into thin layer.
- Then, continue folding its edges and roll dough into thin layer again in more 3 times. Each time, you should put in fridge about 10 minute before continue rolling next time.
- When cut this flour cube after rolled 5 times, you can see many thin layers. IF you cannot use all, you can cover in food nylon bag and store in fridge.
 Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- Making filling: Mix sugar, whipping cream, fresh milk into pot; cook with small heat until sugar melts. Turn off the heat. Stir eggs, yolks into clean bowl and then pour mixture whipping cream above into mixture egg slowly. Stir gently; add more vanilla starch when it reduces the heat.
 Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- Roll dough into thin layer in step 5, roll it like photo below and put in fridge in 10 minutes. Then, take it out and cut into small pieces.
 Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- Use muffin patterns, add a little butter around edges of pattern with a little wheat flour.
Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- Put each flour cubes into patter and use your hands to press thinly around each pattern. Wait for 20 minutes.
Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- Pour mixture filling in step 6 when it is not hot anymore into each pattern. You until it reaches 2/3 height of pattern. Bring to grill at 220 degree in 25 minutes.
 Egg Tart  - Bánh Tart Trứng
- When they are cooked, add a little icing sugar on top if you love sweet and use fired machine to make it melts.
- When you combine food of many countries and present on one dish, never refuse its flavor. It is awesome. 
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