(Bánh Đậu Xanh Nướng) - Grilled Mung Bean Cake scented mung beans flavors and grease of coconut syrup. With this cake, I bet you and your family will have a delicious dessert, espcially in cold days.
- Mung beans, peeled cover: 500 g- White sugar: 400 g
- Coconut meat (Soak with warm water, take 300 ml of syrup): 500 g
- Eggs: 3
- Sweetened milk: 3 tablespoon
- Wheat flour: 100 g
- Vanilla tube: 1
- Add Mung beans into the pot to steam. After that, mince it.
- Apply oil into the mould; add thin paper on the bottom of the pot. Pour the mixture into the mould, put into the oven for 30 minutes to make the cake become golden. (Use medium heat)
- Finally you finish this amazing cake. If you want to serve when it is cold, you can put Grilled Mung Bean Cake in the fridge.