(Lẩu Bò Viên Sa Tế) - Beef Balls Hot Pot with Satay originally comes from many delicious Vietnamese Dish Recipes.

Eating it with vermicelli will bring a stunning flavor in your mouth. Moreover, serving Beef Balls Hot Pot with Satay with many vegetables is the best way to taste it.
- Beef bone (leg or tail): 1kg
- Beef balls: 300gr, (Bò Viên) – Buy at Vietnamese Markets
- Beef meat: 200gr
- 5 – 6 cloves lemongrass
- ½ onion, peeled, sliced into segments
- Scallion, cleaned and chopped into short parts
- Spices: salt, Maggi’s stuff, chili, chili powder, fish sauce, garlic
- Vegetables: Bean Sprout, Celery Cabbage, Fresh Mustard Greens.
- Button Mushrooms: 50gr
- Oyster Mushrooms: 50gr
- Staw Mushrooms: 50gr
- 2 teaspoons annatto seed oil
- Sliced tofu, fish balls (Optional)
- Vermicelli or Egg noodle.
- Clean lemongrass, peel off the layer outside, chop into short pieces. Separate into 2 parts. One is minced and one for cooking with bones.

- Clean beef bone with water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Boil water, add more 2 teaspoons vinegar + salt and cook more 5 minutes. Then, soak beef bone into hot water about 3 – 4 minutes to clean again.

- Put beef bone into big pot, pour water to cover all bones, add more chopeed lemongrass, salt and cook until it boils. Sometime, you use spoon to scoop out dirty bubble to make broth more clear and delicious.

- Beef balls cut in half for each. Put into clean bowl.

- Clean beef meat creafully, slice thinly and put on plate.

- Clean vegetables, wait to dry and slice into shot pieces. Soak all mushrooms into cold water about 4 – 5 minutes, then cut off the root.

- Making Satay: Add 2 teaspoons annatto seed oil and minced garlic into pan, fry until it is fragrant. Next, add more minced lemongrass and fry more 5 minutes with a little fish sauce + 1 teaspoon chili powder. (You can add more if you love spicy). Fry more 2 minutes and turn off the heat.

- When beef bone becomes soft in broth, add ½ mixture of Satay (in step 7) and season again to suit your flavor with Maggi’s stuff, fish sauce and sugar. Continue boiling more 15 minutes. If water reduces, you can add more water to make sure you have enough broth when serving.

- Soak egg noodle into hot water about 3 – 5 minutes or until it is soft. Then, wash immediately in cold water to make sure they will not stick together. Add a little oil into pan, wait to hot and add more minced garlic, then fry until it is fragrant.

- Pour mixture of garlic into egg noodle basket, mix well.

- Finally, Beef Balls Hot Pot with Satay is basically ready to serve.

Before eating, you put all vegetables, mushrooms, fish balls, tofu and egg noodle around hot broth pot. Make sure your broth always is hot to pour all stuffs above into pot. When eating, add egg noodle on bow, scoop broth and add more vegetables, mushrooms, fish balls, tofu on face. If you love spicy, you can add 1 teaspoon satay.