(Cơm Pizza) - You know about Pizza. But have you ever heard about Boiled Rice Pizza or even tasted it before?

Boiled Rice Pizza originally comes from many stunning Vietnamese Cuisine. If you have a party in weekends with friends and family, I think here is a good choice. It is not only delicious, but also is really eye catching.
- 2 bowls boiled rice
- 2 sausages, sliced thinly
- 100gr Mozzarella cheese
- 4 teaspoons boiled corn
- 1 leek, cleaned and sliced small
- ½ onion, peeled and sliced small
- Ketchup.
- Press boiled rice into small and thin circle shapes (1cm)

- Add more mozzarella cheese.

- Continue, add more mozzarella cheese.

- Bring them to grill in grilling stove at 20 degree in 6 – 8 minutes.

- In general, Boiled Rice Pizza looks like European Cuisine. But it also brings the flavor of Asia Food.