Braised Vietnamese Fish in Clay Pot ( Ca Kho ) is one of famost Vietnamese fish recipes.
This dish is the mix of flavors, the salty of fish sauces, the sweet from fishes, and the spicy of peppers.
This dish is the mix of flavors, the salty of fish sauces, the sweet from fishes, and the spicy of peppers.

Preparation of salt, pepper, fish sauce, sugar, water, coconut water color is sold in overseas markets Vietnam; fresh chilly, onion dry, oil or grease.
- Assign the relative amount of spices to the tuna 500gr or all kinds.
Preparation of salt, pepper, fish sauce, sugar, water, coconut water color is sold in overseas markets Vietnam; fresh chilly, onion dry, oil or grease.
- Assign the relative amount of spices to the tuna 500gr or all kinds.

- Add about tablespoon fish sauce ½ teaspoon pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 20gr onion peel, pounded
- ½ tablespoons coconut color
- 2 red ripe peppers, about 15 - 20gr, to resources left (does not crack pepper + water 1 tablespoon oil or grease).
- Cover fish to fish through the first hour or so was involved.
- While the marinated fish, sugar will draw the fish firm and other spices rather than salt sauce.
- Coconut water color watercolor effect makes Vietnamese Fish Stock become yellow, if you use more water stock is red-brown and bitter.
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 20gr onion peel, pounded
- ½ tablespoons coconut color
- 2 red ripe peppers, about 15 - 20gr, to resources left (does not crack pepper + water 1 tablespoon oil or grease).
- Cover fish to fish through the first hour or so was involved.
- While the marinated fish, sugar will draw the fish firm and other spices rather than salt sauce.
- Coconut water color watercolor effect makes Vietnamese Fish Stock become yellow, if you use more water stock is red-brown and bitter.

Braised Vietnamese fish in clay pot recipe eat with rice, vegetables soup. Some people use black soy sauce (dark soy sauce) but the color is not red, but blacker water.