(Gỏi Cà Rốt, Cá Ngừ và Bơ) - Carrots salad with Tuna and Avocado. Carrots are nourish foods contain a lot vitamin A, which is very good for the body. Crispy carrot and the fat of the avocado combined with tuna, bring you an incredibly nutritious salad.

- 1 avocado
- 1/2 onion
- 1 can of tuna
- Spices: pepper, salt, sesame oil, cilantro and parsley.
- After 30 minutes, carrots and onions were out of water. Add them in a towel, squeeze until dry and add into a mixing bowl. Peel off the cover of avocado, cut into small cubes as you like.
- Add sliced avocado into the mixing bowl, open can of tuna, and add them in the mixing bowl. Season with 1/2 teaspoon pepper and 1 tablespoon sesame oil.
- Use a fork and spoon for mixing. Cut cilantro and parsley very finely and place in mixing bowl mix well, seasoning salt to fit your taste.
- Now, this is ready to serve. Lay everything on dish and enjoy one of stunning Vietnamese Cuisine.
- Carrots Salad with Tuna and Avocado is the best way to make your family members gathering together around the table and enjoy a nutrition meal.

- 2 carrots- 1 avocado
- 1/2 onion
- 1 can of tuna
- Spices: pepper, salt, sesame oil, cilantro and parsley.
- Carrots washed, peel off the cover, slice thinly. Same process with onion. Add all this things in the bowl, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt, mix and wait for 30 minutes.

- Carrots Salad with Tuna and Avocado is the best way to make your family members gathering together around the table and enjoy a nutrition meal.