(Bánh Chocolate Bột Nếp) - Chocolate with Sticky Rice Flour Cake is not only delicious, but also quite easy for making. A little soft and sweet will create a stunning flavor in your mouth.

- Sticky rice flour: 260g
- Sugar: 450g
- Baking soda (optional): 5g
- Butter: 40g
- Chocolate: 200g
- Fresh milk (no sugar): 720m
- Vanilla starch: 8ml
- 2 eggs.
- Mix all rice flour + sugar + baking soda together.

- Melt chocolate and butter with 360ml fresh milk in small heat. Trying to guarantee chocolate will not be burnt.

- When chocolate is melted all, turn off the heat and pour the left fresh milk into this mixture.

- Stir well 2 eggs and then pour into mixture.

- Pour slowly sticky rice flour into mixture egg and mix well.

- Pour mixture into pattern (20x30cm) and bring to grill in 180 degree in 45 minutes. Make sure you have to heat the grilling stove in 10 minutes firstly.