Crispy Chicken Wings (Canh ga chien gion)

(Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn) - Today, I will show an amazing way to create Crispy Chicken Wings with no use any stuff above. This dish originally comes from many stunning Vietnamese Cuisine.
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn


- 5 chicken wings (depends on how many people in your meal)
- Corn cereals
- 1 beer can
- Salt, pepper, sugar.


- Clean carefully chicken wings. Marinate with a little salt and pepper. Mix well and wait about 30 minutes. I suggest you should some lines on face of chicken wings to help absorb spices quickly.
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Soak chicken wings into beer. Beer will help chicken becomes soft. 
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Grind well corn cereals. 
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Next, after soaked into beer, roll them through grinded corn cereals. Make sure this cereal will cover all their faces. 
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Put them into microwave, set up at grilling food process and grill about 3 – 5 minutes.
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Next, change their face and continue bring to grill about 3 minutes. Finally, set up at grilling food process again with smaller heat and grill about 12 minutes. If you do not want to use microwave, you can use grilling stove.
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn
- Finally, you finished one of amazing Vietnamese Cuisine from us. Crispy Chicken Wings is not only delicious, but also really good for health. No oil, no fat. You can eat only it or use with boiled rice is all perfect.
Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn

Crispy Chicken Wings - Cánh Gà Chiên Giòn

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