Fried Tofu with Chili and Lemongrass recipe

(Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt) - Fried tofu with chili and lemongrass is considering the most popular Vietnamese Cuisine, because people in Vietnam also use this when they want to eat vegetarian food, or use this dish in daily meal. 
Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt
When eating Fried tofu with chili and lemongrass, you will feel crispy outside and soft inside, along with the smell of chili and lemongrass. Therefore, this dish has become one of delicious Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian for many people. Moreover, it is also the quick and rich protein food for daily meals.


- 3 pieces of young tofu
- 2 tablespoons lemon grass
- 1 chili
- 100g peanuts
- Salt, sugar, MSG, cooking oil, seasoning.


* Preparation

- Mix ½ liter of cold water with 3 teaspoons salt, soak the tofu to 1 hour for eating, take out and drain. 
- Cut the tofu in half, use knife departed striped along the piece of tofu for absorb spices. 
Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt
- Lemongrass chili: chopped
Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt
- Peanuts roasted with salt until golden brown, peeled the cover of peanuts.
- Mixed lemongrass + pepper + 1 pinch of salt + 1 little sugar + ½ teaspoon MSG and seasonings, mixture them into the tofu pieces (dimensions cut, marinated wealth for all). Wait for 1 hour for tofu absorbed spices (more time more delicious).

* Cooking

- Add oil in pan and cook until hot, then add marinated tofu in hot oil, fried tofu on weak fire, tofu  are golden brown in 2 side is ok, take out and drain tofu without oil.
Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt
- Add tofu on dish, sprinkle peanuts for fragrant and delicious. Fried Tofu with Chili and Lemongrass is served with steamed rice and it will create an amazing flavor for you.
Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt

Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt

Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian - Đậu hũ chiên sả ớt
- Fried tofu with chili and lemongrass is also the best choice from Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian in full moon and Buddhist day.
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