(Bánh Nướng Nhân Phô Mai) - Today, I will create one of spectacular Vietnamese Dessert Recipes which is combined with Western recipes for you guys. It is called Grilled Cake with Cheese Filling.

For Filling
- 50g many different seeds:
( black sesame, white sesame, peanut, walnut seeds, dried watermelon seeds )
- 100gr cream cheese
- 30g sugar.
For Cover
- 150g butter
- 50g sugar
- 200g wheat flour
- 3 eggs.
- Grind well all seeds and mix together. You can choose any seed you love for making one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.

- Next, mix 100ml water + butter + cream cheese + all grinded seeds in step 1 and mix well.

- Stir well eggs + butter + sugar into a clean bowl until they are soft.

- Add more wheat flour and mix well.

- Pour filling and mixture flour for cover cakes into 2 different nylon bags like photo below.

- Press mixture flour into bottom of grilling pattern.

- Continue to press filling into pattern.

- Once again, press the mixture flour on face to cover all filling. Use knife to cut little by little lines like photo below and bring to grill in 30 minute at 160 degree.

- Finally, Grilled Cake with Cheese Filling is already to serve for your kids and family. You can make it and store into fridge.