(Mì Quảng Trộn) - Beside Quảng Noodle Soup, you also have Mixture Quảng Noodle which comes from many amazing Vietnamese Cuisine.

This food belongs to Middle Area, Vietnam. With stunning flavor from shrimps, pork, yellow noodle and grilled rice pancake (Bánh Đa), it will help you get a good appetite.
- 300g grinded pork
- 200g shrimps
- ½ onion
- Salt, Magi’s stuff, fish sauce, garlic, purple onion, spring onion, coriander
- Fresh Quảng Noodle (Buy at Vietnamese Markets)
- Grilled Rice Pancakes – Bánh Đa (Buy at Vietnamese Markets)
- Roasted peanut
- Half lean half fat pork meat (Optional)
- Marinate grinded pork with 1 teaspoon salt, a little pepper, mix well and wait in 15 minutes. If you use half lean half fat pork meat, clean and boil in hot water then slice into small cubes.

- Peel off the cover of shrimps, pull out the black lines of their backs. Mince well. Keep the eggs of shrimps. Marinate with a little pepper, salt and wait in 15 minutes.

- Clean spring onion, coriander and slice small. Peel the cover and clean, slice small.

- Grind well roasted peanut.

- Soak Quảng noodle in hot water in 4 – 5 minutes. Then, wash again immediately in cold water. Wait to dry. If you do not have quảng noodle to create one of stunning Vietnamese Noodle Recipes like this one, you can use phở noodle instead. Soak phở noodle in hot water until it is soft, mix with a little saffron flour to create the yellow color of this dish.

- Heat the annatto seed oil (2 – 3 teaspoons), add more sliced garlic and fry until it is fragrant.

- Next, add sliced onion + shrimps into pan and fry until it is cooked.

- Then, add grinded pork and season with a little fish sauce, stir well, taste again to suit your flavor.

- Turn off the heat, wait to reduce the heat and add more quảng noodle into pan, sprinkle more sliced spring onion, coriander and stir gently.

- Finally, your dish is ready served. Scoop onto plate, sprinkle more roasted peanut on face of food.

- Serve Mixture Quảng Noodle with grill rice pancake is perfect choice. If you want to increase the flavor for one of stunning Vietnamese Noodle Recipes, eating with a little sweet and sour sauce is great.