(Kẹo Lạc) - I bet your kids will fall in love with Peanut Candy. It's not only delicious, but also can apply energy for your body, especially when you have low blood pressure.

- Peanut: 300gr
- Sesame: 60gr
- Sugar: 180gr
- Water (50ml): 3 tablespoons
- Lemon juice: 1 teaspoon
-1 vanilla tube
- Roasted wheat flour: 3 tablespoons – Buy at Vietnamese Markets.
-1 large tray.
- Pour a little wheat flour on tray to make sure candy will not be stuck.

- Roast peanut until it is fragrant, peel off the cover.

- Roast sesame until its color turn brown yellow.

- Pour water + sugar on pot, boil with medium heat until sugar is melted and reduce the heat to small. Next, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice on water.

- Continue boil in small heat until this mixture is viscid and turn into brown yellow. You can text by drop some drops on cold water, if it becomes hard, it works.

- Quickly add roasted peanut and sesame into mixture with stir well. Next, add more vanilla and mix together.

- Pour candy on tray, use mortar to roll thinly (about 1cm). After that, use knife to cut it into small bars. Wait to get cold, store into jar.