(Canh Sườn Non Nấu Củ Sen) - Pork Chop Soup with Lotus Bulb comes from many amazing Vietnamese Cuisine.

The natural sweetness from pork chop and the freshness from lotus bulb are combine together will create a fantastic flavor when chewing. Moreover, lotus bulb contains many benefits to increase and heal some diseases for your body.
- 1 medium size of lotus bulb
- 400g pork chop
- Spring onion, coriander, salt, sugar, pepper.
- Peel off the cover of lotus bulb. Use chopsticks to push out all mud in lotus cores. Clean again carefully and slice into circle shapes.

- Clean pork chop carefully in water added a little salt. Next, soak into hot water about 3 minutes to clean well and put on basket to get dry.

- Next, pour all sliced lotus bulb + pork chop into pot, add more water (make sure it will cover all these ingredients). Cook form 40 – 60 minutes until pork chop is soft, season with a little salt and pepper. Because the sweetness from pork chop and lotus bulb will be spread out, so you do not need to season with sugar.

- Finally, your soup is cooked. Season again to suit your flavor, turn off the heat and you should sprinkle more sliced spring onion and coriander on face of soup.
- Scoop Pork Chop Soup with Lotus Bulb into bowl; add more pepper and eating with boiled rice is really delicious.