Pork Heart Soup with Red Radish

(Canh Tim Heo Hầm Củ Cải Đỏ) - Pork Heart Soup with Red Radish. Pork Heart is really nourish foods contain a lot protein, which is very good for people’s health, especially your kids.

Vietnamese Soup Recipes - Canh Tim Heo Hầm Củ Cải Đỏ


- Pork heart: 1 
- Potatoes: 5 
- Red radishes: 8 
- Purple onions: 2 
- Fish sauce, pepper, and salt, cooking oil
- Cilantro, cleaned and chopped


- Clean pork heart, slice into vertical. Marinate it with fish sauce and pepper.
Vietnamese Soup Recipes - Canh Tim Heo Hầm Củ Cải Đỏ
- Peel off the cover of potatoes. Then, wash it with red radishes and slice them into big pieces. Before cooking, you should soak sliced potatoes into cold water to make sure they will not be livid.
Vietnamese Soup Recipes - Canh Tim Heo Hầm Củ Cải Đỏ
- Peel off the cover of onion and then slice into fibres. Add Cooking oil into pot, wait to hot and fry minced purple onion until fragrant. Next, add sliced pork heart into pan and continue to fry about 3 - 5 minutes. Add more sliced potatoes and radishes into the pot, fry about 5 - 7 minutes. Then, season with maggi’s stuff, sugar and salt to suit your flavor. Pour water in a pot (2 - 3 bowls), wait to boil and then set low heat, simmer until potatoes and radishes become soft. (Do not cover the pot).
Vietnamese Soup Recipes - Canh Tim Heo Hầm Củ Cải Đỏ
- Before turn off the heat, season again to suit your flavor, add parsley on face of soup.
- Use Pork Heart Soup with Red Radish when it is hot. Eating with boiled rice is perfect, especially in cold days. 
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