(Mực Xào Nấm) - Stir-fried Squid with Mushroom. The combination between squid, mushroom, carrot and onion will create the fantastic song when chewing.

- ½ carrot
- Straw mushroom: 300 gr
- ¼ onin
- Some brands of spring onion, garlic, fish sauce, sugar, pepper and salt.
- Cut off the roots of straw mushroom, clean and slice thinly. Peel off the cover of carrot and onion, slice fiber. Clean and slice small spring onion.
- Heat 3 teaspoons oil, add minced garlic and fry until it is fragrant. Next, add sliced squid and fry quickly with a little salt, sugar. Pour on clean plate.
- Use that pan again, add mushroom, carrot and fry with a little fish sauce, pepper, chili powder (if you love spicy); fry until they are cooked.
- After that, add more onion and fried squid into pan;fry gently and season again to suit your flavor. Fry more 5 – 6 minutes, sprinkle more sliced spring onion and turn off the heat.
- Finally, before serving Stir fried Squid with Mushroom, you can sprinkle more pepper on top to increase its flavor. Eating with steamed rice and hot soup is my favorite choice.

- Fresh squid: 400 gr- ½ carrot
- Straw mushroom: 300 gr
- ¼ onin
- Some brands of spring onion, garlic, fish sauce, sugar, pepper and salt.
- Clean well squid with water added a little salt or vinegar. Clean again with fresh water, slice into medium pieces; wait to get dry.