(Canh khổ qua nhồi thịt) - Stuffing Bitter Melon with Meat soup is one of stunning Vietnamese Soup Recipes.

- Pork: 150 gr
- 1 egg white
- 1 the dried fungus (to about 1/2 palms)
- Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon
- Cooking oil: 1 tablespoons
- Onion
- Salt, pepper, fish sauce
- Scallions and cilantro.
- Soaked fungus in hot water to spread out, washed, chopped.
- Chopped cilantro.
- Chopped and scallions, fried with oil for gold and fragrant.
- Cut bitter melons in half. Using small knife cut away the seeds. Wash and drain them.
- Put the meat, fungus, fried scallions, sesame oil, egg white, a little salt and pepper into a blender, and blend the mixture.
- Getting a pot of water with a tiny bit of salt on the stove (not too much will be salty). When boiling water, add bitter melon stuffed into the water. Turn to the big heat.
- Set big heat, boiling water always cover up the bitter melon to preserve the green color of the bitter melon. Try by touching a small bamboo rod through bitter melon on the left, if it’s easy, is ok. Seasoning with fish sauce and salt to suit your taste. Put the cilantro and scallions on pot, mix well. Take the pot out of the stove.
- Serve this soup with steamed rice and some other Vietnamese family dish.

- Bitter melon: 3- Pork: 150 gr
- 1 egg white
- 1 the dried fungus (to about 1/2 palms)
- Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon
- Cooking oil: 1 tablespoons
- Onion
- Salt, pepper, fish sauce
- Scallions and cilantro.
- Chopped pork.- Soaked fungus in hot water to spread out, washed, chopped.
- Chopped cilantro.
- Chopped and scallions, fried with oil for gold and fragrant.

As you may know, bitter melon is a bitter fruit, so this fruit is quite hard to eat with some people. However, Vietnamese also have solution with this situation by mix bitter melon with pork, and when you cook, set a long time for cooking will reduce the bitter of this fruit. Moreover, another highlight feature is really good for health and skin. Even it has bitterness, however its feature is really good for body.