(Kem Táo Vani) - Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream not only is delicious, but also will create a strange flavor when eating. Most ingredients are found easily around your place.

Everyone will totally fall in love with it, especially in hot weather.
- Dried red apples: 100g
- Sugar: 180g
- 6 yolks
- Whipping cream: 400ml
- Fresh milk: 180g
- Clean well dried red apples, soak in water about 15 minutes and bring to steam until they are cooked.

- Mix fresh milk + yolks + sugar together into a big bowl. Stir well in 15 – 20 minutes. Next, add more some drops of vanilla attar.

- Next, put this mixture onto cooking stove, do not stop stirring when cooking. Stir until this mixture becomes thick, turn off the heat and wait to get cold.

- Then, stir hardly whipping cream until this cream sticks around chopstick. (Maybe you need 30 – 45 minutes for making this step).

- Pour whipping cream in step 4 into mixture. Mix well.

- Peel off the cover of dried red apples, weed out their seeds, slice red apple meat into small cubes.

- Add sliced red apples into mixture in step 5 and stir well.

- Pour this mixture onto glass pattern and put into fridge. Wait from 4 to 6 hours.

- Finally, Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream is ready served. The flavor has a little strange when we combine ice-cream with dried red apples. But no one can deny that it is really tasty.