(Gỏi cổ hũ dừa) - Vietnamese Coconut Blade Salad is the most popular salad in Vietnam because there are a lot of coconuts in my beautiful country. It is fresh and sweet.

- Beef: 60g
- Coconut Blade: 60g
- Carrot: 3 g
- Fried chilli: ½ teaspoon
- Laksa leaves: 5g
- Onion: 20g
- Roasted peanuts: 20g
- 4 Shrimp chips
- Chopped garlic
- Lemon juice
- Sugar, Sauce, White vinegar, Oil, Pepper, Salt
- Thinly slice the beef. Then, marinate the beef with ½ teaspoon of dried chilli, ½ teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of oil, ¼ teaspoon of salt and some pepper. Wait about 5 minute. Add the marinating beef into the pan. Then dry it until the beef cooked. Do not dry too long, it will make the beef less delicious and change the taste of this recipe.

- Wash the coconut blade. Soak into the water about 7 minutes. Next, bring it out of water and julienne slice the coconut blade. Julienne slice carrot, wash the laksa leaves and slice laksa leaves to small parts. Remove the cover of onion, then julienne slice the onion. Dry the roasted peanuts. Next, remove the cover of roasted peanuts.

- Add sauce, 2 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar, chopped chilli and chopped garlic into a clear bowl. Mix them together. And season to suit with your flavor.

- Mix the beef, heat of palm, carrot, laksa leaves, onion and mixture of sauce. Organize the Shrimp chips on the top. Add the roasted peanuts to the salad.
- Vietnamese Coconut Blade Salad is very delicious. This salad can use as a dessert. Sometime you can eat with bread.