(Canh Củ Cải Trắng với Thịt Nạc Xay) - White Radish Soup with Pork Meat is one of the most simple and easy Vietnamese Cuisine.

With only some simple ingredients, quick preparation and processes, this amazing dish may be your favourite solution in busy days but still you can enjoy one of delicious Vietnamese Cuisine.
- 1 white radish
- 200g grinded pork or chicken (I prefer pork because it seems to go well with other i- ngredients rather than chicken)
- Dried onions, spring onions, coriander, salt, pork/chicken broth mix, pepper.
- Wash and peel the white radish’s skin off. Slice it.

- Put grinded meat into a plate, add some salt, pepper. Mix them up and marinate in 30 minutes.

- Wash and mince dried onions and coriander. Heat up with 2 coffee spoons of cooking oil, stir fry the onions, add the grinded meat in and stir fry until it is cooked.

- Pour into the pot 2 bowls of cold water and one coffee spoon of salt. Boil it.

- Add the white radish in and cook till the radish is soften. You can adjust the taste with ½ spoon of pork/chicken broth mix.

- Turn off the heat and sprinkle some spring onions and coriander into the soup.

- White Radish Soup with Pork Meat is now ready to be served.